Neighborhood Utilities

Bradley Ranch residents receive utility services from the following entities

  Water, Sewer, Electric and Natural Gas Service
Company: Colorado Springs Utilities

Contact information:
     Address: 111 S. Cascade Ave. | Colorado Springs, CO 80903
     Main: (719) 448-4800
  Trash Pick-up Service

Homeowners individually select their own trash pick-up service from one of many several trash hauling service providers.
  Cable TV / Cable Internet

Company: Comcast

Summary Description: Cable and cable internet provider for the neighborhood.

Contact information:
     Address: 5910 Barnes Rd. | Colorado Springs, CO 80922
     Main: (800) 934-6489
  Landline Phone / DSL Internet

Company: CenturyLink

Summary Description: Landline phone and DSL internet service provider for the neighborhood.

Contact information:
     Address: 1600 Stout St (16th Street Mall)| Denver, CO 80202
     Sales: (800) 475-7526
     Billing: (800) 491-0118
     Technical Support: (877) 348-9007